
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

I don't know about you, but in my area, spring is officially peaking it's head around the corner, and I am ready for it! My spring wreath has gone up on my front door (I've unofficially nominated March 1st as the "start" of spring for me). I am so enjoying the feel of the warm sun, and hear the birds makes me happy :)

In the spirit of spring, I would like to present to you these yummy lemon raspberry bars--perfect for brunches or tea out in the garden (or on a picnic blanket in the backyard)! If you haven't tried the lemon curd yet, you so's heavenly!

Raspberry Lemon Bars
Parts of this recipe was inspired by this post for raspberry almond bars, this post for coconut lemon bars, and lemon curd bars

Making the Lemon Curd
The easy lemon curd comes from The Nourishing GourmetHere is the link to my adaption of the lemon curd recipe. This can be made ahead of time, as it is put in the refrigerator.

Making the Crust
For the crust, it is the same process as shortbread. This time I used my whole-grain flour blend, which can be found under my FAQs tab. For those of you who are grain free or Paleo, I would venture to say you could use almond flour instead of the grain flour, but I don't know for sure how it would turn out.

12 oz. whole-grain flour blend
1.5 oz. white rice flour
4 oz. coconut palm sugar
1/2 t. salt
8 oz. coconut oil, room temp.

Whisk together the flour, sugar, and salt. Add the coconut oil, and with great patience and some "tough love," massage the coconut oil into the flour until it is thoroughly combined into the mixture, and can be pressed into a dough.

Press the dough into a greased 9x9" pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 minutes, or til it darkens on the edges. It will still feel "gooey" to the touch, but once it cools, it will solidify. Let the crust cool completely.

Assembling the Bars
After the crust has cooled, take the lemon curd out of the fridge. Evenly layer a 10 oz. jar of Smucker's "Simply Fruit" Red Raspberry Spread onto the crust. Spoon on the entire recipe of lemon curd and smooth out the layer. Refrigerate bars overnight.
Cut into squares and serve!
Makes about 16 bars (or more, depending on what size you cut them).

P.S. This recipe was posted as part of Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays.

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