
Monday, December 19, 2011

Molasses Cookies

These are the molasses cookies that I posted about earlier, adapted from  Elana's Pantry. This picture didn't turn out great, but I wanted to show that my cookies turned out darker than the original recipe, probably because I used actual molasses in them, instead of the yakon syrup. And, of course, I added more cinnamon! These cookies were super easy, and even the non-GF eaters liked them! They are very sweet; sometimes just half of one satisfies my sweet tooth...sometimes. :)

Banana Bread (Paleo)

I decided to go ahead and post this recipe separately, so that I can link to it later from the Recipe tab :)

Road Trip!

My family and I are spending this week of Christmas in Colorado skiing.
Wait, let me rephrase that:
My family will be skiing, I will be inside enjoying my hot tea and books :) Incidentally, skiing is not my thing--at all.

However, it is very beautiful here!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pear Butter

I thought it was high time that I posted about the pear butter. This, and the apple butter is from this site (can you tell I like that blog??) Multiple batches of these became the majority of my Christmas gifts this year!~

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Muffins you can celebrate!

Last week we had our first big snow of the winter...This was the view from my backyard:
And, no, I do not live where there is a lot of water...I live in West Texas, and am fortunate enough at the moment to have a man-made lake (or, rather, pond) in the back of my apartment complex. The geese like it, though, and come in flocks every winter.

Friday, December 9, 2011

What's for Breakfast?

Good morning! As a salute to the weekend, I thought that I would share a couple of easy (yet delicious) breakfast ideas with you.

Inspired by this post by Shauna at Gluten Free Girl, I decided to make scrambled eggs...dressed up a bit.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A work in progress...Gingerbread Cookies

I must say I'm quite proud of myself right now.

I've been looking at several gluten-free gingerbread cookie recipes, wanting to make some for the Christmas season. However, all the recipes I looked at either had a lot of sugar, or several weird ingredients that I don't have, like liquid stevia, coconut sugar, and ground chia seeds.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

As promised...Turkey Chili

This recipe is adapted from this recipe at Simply Sugar & Gluten Free. The cookbook calls for ancho chile powder, which I didn't use. It's a unique recipe with unsweetened cocoa powder and a tinge of agave nectar to form a sort of mexican mole. It makes it very yummy!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Best Cornbread Ever!!

Skillet cornbread with warm chili...I can think of fewer things better when it's cold outside! This recipe is straight from Simply Sugar and Gluten Free--with no tweaks--so I'll just link to this website. It's one of my favorite websites/blogs I've found so far. This cornbread is so moist, and definitely worth it!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cranberry Orange Sauce

I couldn't resist...I've been wanting to post this one ever since Thanksgiving!

Good for What Ails You

a.k.a. Confessions of a....well,...."me."

I learned something today.