
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A work in progress...Gingerbread Cookies

I must say I'm quite proud of myself right now.

I've been looking at several gluten-free gingerbread cookie recipes, wanting to make some for the Christmas season. However, all the recipes I looked at either had a lot of sugar, or several weird ingredients that I don't have, like liquid stevia, coconut sugar, and ground chia seeds.

So, after looking at this recipe, and this one, and reading this article on cooking by ratios, I dove in.
(As an aside, I'd like to learn how to bake by ratios, because then you can pretty much make whatever kind of recipe you want, just by remembering a few simple patterns, and then adding the ingredients you want...That would make gluten free baking so much easier! More on that to come...)

The result? An almost perfect gluten free, sugar free, grain free gingerbread cookie that has incredible flavor!
It still needs some tweaking, because the coconut flour made it a tad dry, but it definitely has potential!
Ok, so it won't get a prize (yet!) for looks...but it'll still tastes the same, right??

And it's all my own recipe--that's the best part! :)

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