
Monday, December 19, 2011

Road Trip!

My family and I are spending this week of Christmas in Colorado skiing.
Wait, let me rephrase that:
My family will be skiing, I will be inside enjoying my hot tea and books :) Incidentally, skiing is not my thing--at all.

However, it is very beautiful here!

As preparation for this trip, I made several snacks: a double batch of Runner's Bars, Cranberry Muffins, and two new recipes from Elana's Pantry: First was the banana bread (I substituted coconut oil and agave nectar for the palm oil and honey)

Also, I made molasses cookies (substituted coconut oil and molasses for last 2 ingredients--these were a hit, even with the non-GF eaters!). Mine turned out darker than the original recipe, probably because I actually used molasses instead of yakon syrup.
Also, my parents had plenty of fruit on hand for snacks!

I can see now I probably didn't have to make this much stuff, but I was excited to try the new recipes :)

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