
Friday, August 10, 2012

GF Brownies from Gluten Free Girl

The recipe for these brownies was originally shared back at April's brownie challenge for the Gluten Free Ratio Rally by Shauna at Gluten Free Girl. However, I've made these so many times that I just had to share them here, in case you're in need of a chocolate fix like I was yesterday! These might not be the "healthiest" chocolate snack ever, but they are also pretty dense, so usually one small piece is enough to satisfy my sweet tooth (so they can't be all that bad!) ;)

Around my house, I make these brownies plain (without nuts or chocolate chips), because my sister doesn't like nuts in her brownies, and I usually don't have chocolate chips on hand, if I decide to make these spontaneously. I would still encourage you to go read Shauna's original post...she always tells the greatest stories with her recipes! :)
Gluten-Free Brownies, from Gluten Free Girl

* Update * My sister Hannah actually likes her brownies thicker, so the last time I made these, I doubled this recipe, but baked it in the same square pan, and extended the time by 5-10 min. (until toothpick comes out clean). She said she likes these better...So it depends on how you like your brownies :)

4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter
2 ounces unsweetened chocolate (I use 6 T. or 1.5 oz. unsweetened cocoa powder)
1 cup sugar (5.5 oz.; I use coconut palm sugar)
2 extra-large eggs, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
100 grams teff flour
2 handfuls chopped hazelnuts
2 handfuls semisweet chocolate chips

Preparing to bake. Preheat the oven to 350°. Line a 8-inch baking pan with 2 pieces of tin foil, going opposite ways, leaving enough foil to hang over the edges. Grease the foil.

Melting the butter and chocolate. Put the butter and chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Run the microwave for 1 minute. Whisk together the melted butter and chocolate. If there are any remaining chunks of chocolate, microwave for 30 more seconds. Stir well.

Making the batter. Let the butter-chocolate combination cool until you can touch it. Add the sugar and stir until it is dissolved. Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring in between. Pour in the vanilla extract and stir. Add the teff flour and stir the batter thoroughly, with a rubber spatula, for at least 1 minute. Toss in the chopped hazelnuts and chocolate chips (if using) and stir until just combined.

Baking the brownies. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly into the corners. Bake until the edges have begun to pull away from the pan and the center is just starting to set, about 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the brownies from the pan. Cool for at least 15 minutes. Lift both pieces of foil and the brownies out of the pan and cool on a cooling rack. Dig in.

Makes about 2 dozen brownies.
This is also great served with a glass of almond milk!

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