
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Easy Veggie Quiche

This recipe is very flexible...It's pretty much a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. That's one thing I love about quiche! :)

The "crust" I used for this was crumbled-up pieces of my grain-free Zippy Garlic Crackers. However, if you don't happen to have any made up, I bet you could pulse the dry ingredients (all minus the water) in the food processor, and then sprinkle them into the bottom of your muffin tins. I'm not sure, but I bet it would work in a similar way and turn out just as well.

Easy Veggie Quiche
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Spray muffin tins with olive oil. Crumble about one or two crackers (probably about 1 T. dry ingredients) into the bottom of each muffin tin.

Layer about 1 Tablespoon each of the following in each of the muffin tins:
- chopped mushroom
- grated zucchini (it sounds weird, but it's really good with eggs!)
- diced bell pepper

In a small to medium-sized bowl (depending on how many eggs), whisk together 2 eggs per person, until well beaten (Two eggs will make about 3 quiche). Add a little almond milk if desired. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

Pour egg mixture evenly into muffin tins, and sprinkle with shredded cheese of your choice (if dairy-free, you could omit the cheese).

Put a cookie sheet underneath the muffin tins in the oven (just in case of spill-overs!), and bake at 375 degrees F for 15 minutes, or until quiche is set in the center, and the edges are light brown.

Serve immediately.
This recipe was shared on Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays and Allergy Free Wednesdays.


  1. I can't wait to try this! Thanks for the recipe.
    Visiting from AFW!

    1. You're welcome, Daisy! Glad you found it, and I hope you enjoy them! :)
