
Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Apricot Chronicles, Part 2

Here's another apricot post! This is one of my favorites :) I've enjoyed my recipes such as this apple crumble so much, that I decided to make one out of apricots. Since the skin on the apricots is so soft, you may be able to make this without peeling the fruit....just cut in half and take the seeds out. I haven't tried it this way, but I think it would work just as well (whatever your preference is).

I hope you are all enjoying your summer!
Fresh Apricot Crumble
This is made similar to my apple crumble. The coconut oil was a little melt-y due to the summer heat, so the "crumble" part was more dough than crumble this time! The apricots give this treat a good combination of sweet and tart fruit. It is just as good as a dessert (hot from the oven) as it is eaten cold from the refrigerator for breakfast the next day :)

Put 2 c. of apricot halves and pieces (blanched, pitted, and peeled) in a square 9x9" pan.
Drizzle with agave nectar (believe it or not, most of the liquid in this picture is the juice from the apricots!). Sprinkle with nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, ginger, and cardamom. Stir to combine.

In a small bowl, mix 1 c. almond flour with 3 T. coconut oil (solidified, room temp.) with your hands.

Sprinkle almond flour mixture over the apricots.

Cover pan with aluminum foil, and bake at 325 degrees F for 35 minutes. Remove covering, and bake or broil for a few minutes more, until top crust is lightly golden.

Enjoy hot or cold :)
This post was shared as part of Allergy Free Wednesdays.


  1. Thank you for linking up this delicious recipe last week at Allergy-Free Wednesday. I have featured it on my site at today's AFW that also includes a mention Facebook and pin on Pinterest. We hope you'll share with us again this week. You can find the feature here...


  2. Thanks so much, Michelle!! :) I feel so honored that you featured my recipe!
