
Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's the little things...

OK, so I was so excited that I had to post this...!

Tonight, I just finished putting together this chocolate "pudding" from Sugar Free Mom. It's mystery ingredient? Avocados.

Don't let the avocados put you off....this is super easy to make, and the avocados help give it a creamy texture. I didn't use stevia, but I did sweeten it with about 1 T. of agave nectar; you can sweeten to taste, if you like.

While this was chilling in the fridge, I was trying to decide what to make with the other half of the avocado. I decided to make this simple version of pico de gallo:
Simply chop 1/2 of an avocado, some diced onion, a small tomato (or 1/2 of a large one).
Stir together in a bowl with a bit of lime juice (I used probably about 1 Tablespoon).
Then, I added a pinch of--drum roll, please!!!--my very own, home-grown, fresh basil and cilantro!! :D

I am so ridiculously proud of these little plants, which (if you remember), made their debut in this post. This is the first time I've used them, and I giggled like a little girl when I smelled the amazing aroma as I tore them to little bits with my fingers.

So now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go enjoy the fruits of my labor ;)

(Serves one.
Shared on Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays)

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