
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mystery ingredient recipes, part 1

This post is in honor of my mom :)
Since I'm getting my wisdom teeth out this weekend, I'm planning on living on applesauce, fruit smoothies, and scrambled eggs for the next few days. Oh, and mashed cauliflower, of course :)

Mashed cauliflower is sometimes used as a stand in for mashed potatoes; it is one of the few ways that I will eat this vegetable. And cauliflower isn't as bad as you may is full of good nutrients, and is a food that helps fight cancer also. So this week, I still had half of a head of cauliflower left from my sister's Vegetable Enchiladas, and I decided to make this.

This is how I make my mashed cauliflower (for 1/2 of a head):

Chop the florets off of the cauliflower stem. Steam by putting in a bowl in microwave with 2 T. of water. (Steaming keeps the majority of the nutrients in the vegetable, unlike boiling it.) Microwave for 3-5 minutes until cauliflower is soft.
Transfer cauliflower to a food processor (yes, I know this picture was taken with a mixer, but the food processor works best), and then add:
1 c. sour cream or plain yogurt (or 1/2 c. of each)
a dollop of butter (or to taste)
salt and pepper to taste
3 cloves of roasted garlic, diced

Process in food processor until desired consistency. Garnish with sliced green onions.
Serves 4.

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