
Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Might I have a bit of earth?"

"Might I," quavered Mary, "might I have a bit of earth?"
..."Earth!" he repeated. "What do you mean?"
"To plant seeds in--to make things grow--to see them come alive," Mary faltered...Mr. Craven got up and began to walk slowly across the room.

"A bit of earth," he said to himself...When he stopped and spoke to her his dark eyes looked almost soft and kind. "You can have as much earth as you want," he said. "You remind me of someone else who loved the earth and things that grow. When you see a bit of earth you want," with something like a smile, "take it, child, and make it come alive."
~ The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett

I planted herbs today, and they are sitting in pots next to the window in my bedroom. We'll see if they grow...but I think half the pleasure is just getting to plant them. Plunging my hands in the potting soil, watering, carefully observing my other flowers and plants while out in the yard, sweeping the porch...It's the whole process of being outside, enjoying the day, taking advantage of a warm spring afternoon.

Also, I wanted to share this super easy way to make a simple--yet beautiful--fruit salad. It's basically just chopping up all the fruit and throwing it in a bowl, or glass pedestal (make sure you buy good quality fruit--it's worth the extra money). Try to aim for all the colors of the rainbow...The result is stunning!

Chop up (if needed) any or all of the following:
oranges (confession: I rinse & drain canned mandarin oranges for this)
Now, go enjoy life! :)

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