
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Runners' Bars, Version #2

I just created a new page (the tabs on top) for "how to" recipes that I will be adding to as I continue to experiment in the kitchen. Today I made dried cranberries...Go check it out!

Then I used these dried cranberries to make a different version of Runner's Bars, since the recipe that I adapted them from used dried tart cherries, and I wanted to try it. If refined sugar is not a problem for you, you can just use Craisins from the store. I also used cashews here (similar to the original recipe).

For this version, blend in food processor:
1 c. cashews
3/4 c. dates
1/4 c. dried cranberries
pinch of salt (if using salted cashews, omit this)
cinnamon to taste
Press these on a parchment or wax paper-lined cookie sheet, the same as in this recipe. Next time I make this, I may add a few more dates, just to keep the bars together. You also have to press VERY firmly to get them to stay together.
 The dried cranberries were, of course, very sour by themselves, but in this recipe, with the dates, it worked out very well. This version of the bars is very yummy!

My bars still did not stick together very well, even after pressing them very hard. I may soak my cashews next time I use them (let them sit in water for at least 2-3 hours, or overnight). If your bars don't stick together, they would also make an awesome crust or topping for another recipe :)

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