
Monday, January 16, 2012


I don't know about you, but I drink water on a daily basis. I don't really care for carbonated beverages, but sometimes I do get tired of just plain water. And even in the winter time, we need water. Here's an idea to spruce up your routine for healthy liquid intake. I got this idea from my pastor's wife, who makes the most beautiful fruit water arrangements for several wedding showers that I've been to.

Fruit water is very simple: Slice up any fruits that you would like to flavor your water with...Here I used lemons and oranges.
Put the fruit in your pitcher or other water container (those large glass ones with a little spout are perfect for group gatherings), then fill with water.
I've also had fruit water filled with all sorts of other fruits mixed together, like raspberries or strawberries. They are all wonderful! If your water is in an open pitcher like this one, you may have to strain your glass of water in order to get the extra pulp out...but it's worth it!

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