
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My goal for this blog

I just had a sudden revelation today. Not that it's really anything new, but it just hit me on a new level. Here it is:

People's physical health plays a very integral part in their emotional health.

I know; not rocket science. But then, as this thought came to me, I remembered what my nutritionist said to me years ago: "You would make a great nutritionist." At the time, I thought it was a little far-fetched. But now that (on top of the other physical stuff I've gone through) I started going GF, it makes a little more sense. My homeopathic doctor told me on the last visit that I would be able to use this part of my life to really help other people who may be going through something similar. Even as he was speaking, I felt it was a word from God. Not that that means I'll be a nutritionist or doctor or something, but I do believe that God will use what I've been through--and now what I've chosen to do as a lifestyle--to help and encourage others. Just like other people's blogs have already been a tremendous encouragement to me, maybe I can be that to other people, too.

I do know this: I love cooking and baking. And this is a plus going gluten-free. And as I've started looking at more recipes, it gets me excited about cooking again...and even trying things I've never tried before! I stumbled across some Indian recipes today, and it was like God was telling me to once again "rediscover" my love for Indian food. To step out of my box and explore the color, textures, and relish again in the scents of the spices...and to just enjoy the mystery of it all :)

For those of you who know me, the terms "mystery" and "outside the box" are usually terms that I steer clear of. I don't like change. I like things to be predictable, and I am more comfortable with the more details that I can grasp. This (those of you like me can attest) makes life very hard, because--as we all know--life is unpredictable. However, over the last several weeks and months, God has also been stirring up in me a restlessness, a desire to do things out of the ordinary, to be involved in a great adventure, to be a part of something more...And so maybe it's not as big as climbing Mt. Everest, or even going to another country. Maybe, at this time in my life, it begins in my kitchen. And then--inevitably--it will spread out to others...Because of course I will be sharing my findings (at least the edible versions!) with my friends and family. (Note to those in my immediate circle of influence: I promise you won't even know the gluten is gone...if you do, you don't have to eat it! :-)

Going gluten free has enabled me to have energy again (physical and emotional), and is allowing me to once again find joy in the everyday moments of life. That is something I hope to never lose the wonder of...And I also hope that I never again settle for less, but embrace today, choose to be fully present, and relish in this moment in life.

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